Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Meme in Right-Wing Governments

We've seen how Bush thought the war in Iraq would be his Falkland Islands War. That was the cakewalk where the occupying force was greeted as liberators. A lot of nationalism at very little cost.

Now we're seeing Bush trying to privatize social security. Well, that didn't turn out so well for Great Britain.

A conservative government sweeps to power for a second term. It views its victory as a mandate to slash the role of the state. In its first term, this policy objective was met by cutting taxes for the wealthy. Its top priority for its second term is tackling what it views as an enduring vestige of socialism: its system of social insurance for the elderly. Declaring the current program unaffordable in 50 years’ time, the administration proposes the privatization of a portion of old-age benefits. In exchange for giving up some future benefits, workers would get a tax rebate to put into an investment account to save for their own retirement.

George W. Bush’s America in 2005? Think again. The year was 1984, the nation was Britain, the government was that of Margaret Thatcher -- and the results have been a disaster that America is about to emulate.


Anonymous said...

Join the revolution for progressive legislation

Write this url on your one, five and ten dollar bills.

Sign the petition to stop social security privatization, increase the minimum wage,and repeal the faulty Republican prescription drug benefit and replace it with a simple 80 percent coverage of medication under Medicare Part B.

Sign the petition to stop the War and Occupation in Iraq

Liberal Democratic Party USA said...

Don't you find it amazing how George W Bush can say he would defend America better than John Kerry when he failed to defend America on Sept 11, 2001?

The Spanish got it right when they removed the conservatives from office in Spain after the 3-11 attacks, not because the terrorists influence the election, but because the conservatives could not defend Spain from terrorists.

Why did George W Bush get back into the White House despite his national security failure?

It appears to me a combination of the stolen election in Ohio and Florida

and alot of people either appear stupid or it's really about the poorbashing where people voted their economic interests despite the national security failure.

The Republicans motto: Vote Republican because you want other people to fend for themselves.