Thursday, January 06, 2005

We Are All Torturers Now
When Alberto Gonzales takes his seat before the Senate Judiciary Committee today for hearings to confirm whether he will become attorney general of the United States, Americans will bid farewell to that comforting story line. The senators are likely to give full legitimacy to a path that the Bush administration set the country on more than three years ago, a path that has transformed the United States from a country that condemned torture and forbade its use to one that practices torture routinely. Through a process of redefinition largely overseen by Mr. Gonzales himself, a practice that was once a clear and abhorrent violation of the law has become in effect the law of the land.
How responsible are we for the actions of our country? I feel the guilt of having my country kill tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis already. How will we feel when we add practicing torture to that?

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