Thursday, January 06, 2005

Is CNN having a change of heart? Not emulating FOX?

CNN's U.S. Chief Executive Jonathan Klein did not renew Tucker Carlson's Crossfire contract. Tucker has now been hired by MSNBC to replace Deborah Norville.
Klein responded to this fight between Carlson and Stewart on Crossfire last fall by stating to the Associated Press that he is "firmly in the Jon Stewart camp."

Continuing the argument made by Stewart, Klein said there is too much arguing over political issues on all of the cable networks, including CNN, and that he wants better, more compelling programming to replace what has become the norm for political news.

CNN/U.S. President Jonathan Klein sided yesterday with comedian Jon Stewart, who used a "Crossfire" appearance last fall to rip the program as partisan hackery. "I think he made a good point about the noise level of these types of shows, which does nothing to illuminate the issues of the day," Klein said in an interview. Viewers need "useful" information in a dangerous world, he said, "and a bunch of guys screaming at each other simply doesn't accomplish that."

"I doubt that when the president sits down with his advisers they scream at him to bring him up to date on all of the issues," Klein exclaimed. "I don't know why we don't treat the audience with the same respect."
Are we going to have some news programs that not propaganda? It seemed like CNN was following FOX's lead -- so even though they were not headed by Republicans they were acting like Republicans. Are they going to start practicing responsible journalism again?

In another story I read today that FOX's ratings are sinking, sinking, sinking. What saves their ratings are the sports programs.

You can call your cable provider or satellite company and ask them to specifically block FOX channels from your cable. This is a campaign that will have some effects on their advertising revenues.
Comcast: 1-800-266-2278
Adelphia: 1-888-683-1000
Time Warner: 1-800-638-2882

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