Tuesday, April 05, 2005

AmBushed! -- A Comedy Musical Mystery

I highly recommend this local comedy production. We went to the previous incarnation and spent hours laughing. This promises to be even better with new songs and outrageous characters! I'll give away some tickets at the PCO training.

What: AmBushed! A Comedy Musical Mystery
When: Friday and Saturday nights April 15 to May 7, 2005 8:30 p.m.
Where: SueƱa Coffee & Dessert House, in the old Hollywood Library building, 3930 NE Hancock, Portland
Tickets: $16 - $20 Portland Box office at 503-288-5181

Contact Address: PO Box 13370, Portland, OR 97213-0370
Contact Phone: (503) 288-5181
Website: www.broadarts.org
Email: BroadArts@aol.com

BroadArts Theatre Presents AmBushed!

An Interactive, Raving Mystery that Asks the Musical Question,

How Did The Right wing Beat All Us Smart People?

If you're packed for Canada or singing the Blue State Blues, join BroadArts Theatre at our newest comedy musical AmBushed! Starting April 15, BroadArts will provide relief to all of us overtaxed and blue.

In 16 songs and two acts, AmBushed! rollicks through a demented game of Clue, as we try to solve the mystery, how Did They Beat Us? Perhaps Union Carbide did it in Bhopal with indigestion? Maybe Sinclair Broadcasting did it with the Monopoly Man in a TiVo box? Or did Condoleezza do it as a duet while perched upon a Grand Old Piano with an Elephant? What Elephant, Where? Audience members team up with Miss Scarlet Reputation, Ms. Peacoquette and Mrs. Non-White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant as we all try to resolve our reservations and Get A Clue. Each evening's winner will receive either a $157 billion dollar rebuilding contract in Fallujah or... milk.

Featured in AmBushed! are some of your favorite Broads, including ‘Portland’s Bad Girl of Comedy’ and BroadArts Theatre Artistic Director Melinda E. Pittman as Miss Scarlet Reputation ; former Hallelujah Chorus Member Mollie Hart as Mrs. Non-White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant and ethereal punny-girl Firiel Galloway as Ms. Peacoquette. Dan “Colonel MustardGas” Linn and Aaron “Mr. GreenJeans” Linn round-out the AmBushed! Mystery Band. New songs like “Secretary Condoleezza”, “The County of Love” and “The Blue State Blues” join favorites like “In The Middle of the Right I Move Further to the Left” and “The Boy I Fell In Love With Is A Girl”.

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