Thursday, April 14, 2005

AlterNet: Goodbye Uncle Sam, Hello Team Europe

A new poll finds that citizens in 20 out of 23 countries would rather see Europe have more influence in world affairs than the US. Heck, they would rather have China have more influence. A surprising percentage would probably rather have dogs in charge -- oh wait...

Even 35% of Americans would like Europe to have more influence than the US. The vast harm that this administration has done to the world and our standing in the world is ongoing. An administration whose claim to fame is the largest deficits in history and its unilateral military power thrown into Iraq on false pretences has made our country weaker.

Americans work more hours, live shorter lives, and are much more likely to be poor than their European counterparts. The American economy is considerably less worker-friendly, more in debt, and increasingly owned by foreigners. The categories where the United States is the undeniable leader, military budget, government debt, trade deficit, automobile size,­ are dubious achievements.

Where are our values? Where has our country gone? Even now Congress is voting on the bankrupcy bill (written by credit card companies) and repealing the estate tax (affecting the top 7% of
American society.)

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