Monday, December 27, 2004

Who Should Provide Broad-band Internet?
A Pennsylvania law bans cities from providing internet access. This is a class issue and a media control issue. The numbers I heard were in the range of Philadelphia planning to spend $15 million to provide a network that Verizon was going to make about $250 million from. You can see how that money talks!

Internet is essential to the America that I want to see. It has become part of our nation's infrastructure. The internet should be available to all citizens at a reasonable rate. It is one of the ways we can stay competitive in the world markets. Monopolistic telecom companies don't want to provide this without ruinious profit.

Bills limiting competition have been introduced in Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Nebraska, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and (yes) Washington. Read Free Press, a nonprofit working for media reform, about these battles.

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