Friday, December 24, 2004

AlterNet: Time for Bread and Roses: "The Wall Street Journal confirmed that Americans are working 20% longer today than in 1970, while work-time has declined in other industrial countries. A recent poll released by the Center for a New American Dream found 88% of Americans agreeing that 'working too many hours results in not having enough time to spend with families.' Half say they're willing to sacrifice some pay for more time."

Harvard study
# 163 of 168 countries guarantee paid leave for mothers in connection with childbirth. 45 countries offer such leave to fathers. The U.S. does neither.

# 139 countries guarantee paid sick leave. The U.S. does not.

# 96 countries guarantee paid annual (vacation) leave. The U.S. does not.

# 84 countries have laws that fix a maximum limit on the workweek. The U.S. does not.

# 37 countries guarantee parents paid time off when children are sick. The U.S. does not.

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