Saturday, July 30, 2005

Crooks in High Places

There's Rove-gate and the new energy bill that just passed Congress with a little $1.5 billion gift to Sugarland, Texas, home of Tom Delay. There's CAFTA, where Representatives were just bought off to give huge tax savings to oil companies even though these companies are posting the largest profits in their history. This administration is utterly corrupt. Then there was passing the NRA bill so that gun manufacturers can't be held liable for their weapons. None of the Democratic admendments were in the bill: like prohibiting hollow point bullets or redoing the assault weapon ban. Democrats are the voice of reason and Republicans are the power of corruption. I don't see how any Republican can look at what is happening and think they should remain Republican.

My brother- and sister-in-law from Texas said that the redistricting in Texas that was the scandal of the whole nation, was just done because some districts had become too big. They knew the Republicans had done wrong, and just refused to admit it.

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