Sunday, February 27, 2005

Coulter lied and distorted to defend "Gannon," ... [Media Matters for America]

This morning The Oregonian had a front-page article, "Social Security Fight is Getting Dirty" where the right-wing has hired the Swift Boat smear agency to attack AARP. Their first ad is that AARP doesn't support soldiers but does support gays. The left-wing is saying that the Republicans are being inconsistent in what they're saying about social security and that people should check to see whether their representatives are supporting their constituents' positions on social security.

The press runs such things to appear balanced -- but where is the balance. Shouldn't they be pointing out the huge difference between the two approaches? There are some reasonable Republicans who are doing what the Democrats are doing -- but there are no Democrats who are hiring public relations firms to smear the President's proposals. Both sides are not doing this.

Ann Coulter, who gets more air time than liberal pundits, says that the liberal media has gone after Gannon because of his use of a pseudonym. Yet, she says, Clinton, Hart and Kerry all ran under assumed names. Clinton legally changed his last name to his stepfather's last name when he was in high school. Hart's father legally changed the family's last name to Hart in the 1950's. John Kerry's grandfather legally changed the family's name in 1901. Those are not pseudonyms.

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